Remember Me?!
So…. You’re probably wondering if I am alive or just dropped off the face of the earth. My social media has been pretty sparse and my blogging … well. Wait. What’s blogging again?
Oh yeah. I think I can remember!
In October I had a bit of a breakdown. It was minor but it got so much action. People were crawling out of the woodworks to offer their suggestions and advice. Basically, I was sick of digging through used clothes only to spend hours washing them, photographing them and listing them. I mean, I love shopping as much as the next girl but I just wasn’t making enough money for how much work I was putting into my eBay and postmark business. Some people are making bank and I was basically JUST supporting my Reselling and Goodwill Outlet habit.
I posted this on Oct. 10th and had 109 replies:
I’ve been a SAHM now for almost 14 years. I haven’t worked in about 15 years. I’ve only worked retail and telesales and don’t want to do that again.
Sometimes I think I want to re-enter the working world but I want to be home with the kids in the afternoon and I want to be home in the evenings for family dinners.
I have my eBay and posh stores and they are doing okay but I’m not really around people.
Of course, I’ve blogged for so many years but I’m no longer feeling the pull to write about my life.
I’ve tried multiple MLM ventures and have ZERO desire to ever to that again.
That leaves a magical unicorn Job that would be from from 8 or 9-2/3. I’m sure those don’t exist without a degree and no real outside work experience most of my adult life.
Hmmm. Maybe I should be the old chick who goes back to school?
Later that day I posted this:
Spin-off from earlier:
I have the opportunity to essentially start a career from scratch, so I need to brainstorm.
What’s your degree and what do you do?
Would you do it again?! Why or why not?
NINE, yes NINE days later, I posted this:
If you followed my post about wanting to go back to work, I’m happy to announce I will begin substitute teaching, starting immediately.
I had orientation Tuesday, went for fingerprinting yesterday and everything came back clean, obviously. They just sent my login to search for jobs. I can start as soon as something opens up. ❤️❤️
So teacher friends…… you know my number!

On my way to one of my jobs!
Soo…. How did all this happen?
I always loved the idea of subbing. It gave me the best of both worlds. I could be active in my kids education and school but I didn’t have to TEACH them 100% of the time. If you followed our homeschool journey, you know how much of a stressed it was to be the ONLY human responsible for educating my kids. Plus the cleaning. And the cooking. I just couldn’t keep doing it.
However, somewhere along the way, someone gave me INCORRECT information or the information changed. I’m not sure which. It could all just be a Mandela Effect issue. Anyways, I was convinced I needed a degree to sub. That was not true. I posted on Wednesday and sent in my application to the district on Thursday. They emailed me an acceptance on Friday and I found out I would be starting almost immediately after my Orientation on Tuesday.
I applied at the exact right time. I had already passed the background check as a regular volunteer, so I didn’t have to wait for one. Apparently, it usually holds most people up the longest. I did have to go for fingerprints but I was in the classroom on October 23rd.
Talk about a whirlwind.
I went from missing my babies and missing people to screaming kids on any day of the week my little heart desires.
I’ve subbed everything from Kinder all the way through 12th. I don’t have a favorite but 4th grade and 8th grade might be tied. I will never settle because I love the variety.
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